Bailey,Oscar and Maisie- Our cats

A couple weeks ago we welcomed 3 new additions to our household.To start with we took on 2 adult cats,1 male by the name of Oscar,he’s a beautiful Burmese cross and his friend Maisie an equally beautiful Moggy-she is Mainly white with a bit of Ginger and other colours added for good measure.They are amazing cats,very clever,especially Oscar who meows to be let out,meows to be let in-often at 3am(Still working on that one) and meows to be fed or pet.Maisie is more reserved and it has taken her longer to settle in (For the first week she was constantly finding hiding places and I even managed to shut her in a cupboard accidently,only realised as Oscar was acting funny near the cupboard door)but I think she’s used to us and all our racket now.Maisie and Oscar were my find on Pre-loved and they are fantastic.Our 3rd new addition arrived the same day-a tiny bundle of Black fluff which we have named Bailey.The 2 older cats wont sit still long enough for me to take some pictures but I have recently managed to finally get some photo’s of Bailey,I hope you like them.Watch out for photo’s of the other 2 which I’ll add as soon as they are nearby when I have my phone on me.

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In the past we have had dogs as pets and cats also.I much prefer cats-they fit into to our family easily.They come to us when they want attention and go off to do their own thing the rest of the time.My sort of pet-independent.
