Mummy moment

Hello everyone.I hope you are all well and enjoying the so-called Summer we are apparently having. I’m not a sun-worshiper but enjoy it best when the weather is warm and dry. I have never been one to be able to sit and sunbathe,I’m more likely to be found sat in the shade or indoors during the hottest part of the day. I wanted to add some photo’s showing how quickly the children are growing up and changing; Especially my youngest son,who is soon to be 8 months old. It has flown by so quickly and he doesn’t seem to want to stay a baby. He was crawling by 6 months,not long after he started pulling himself into a standing position either using furniture or whilst in his Travel cot. He is now the proud owner of 5 teeth, definitely the quickest cutting teeth but has seemed to suffer the most with it unfortunately. Thank goodness for teething necklaces,teething granules and teething gels.
My 2 year old son is now well and truly in the terrible two’s stage and is into everything; He can climb over the stairgate now as we found out earlier today. He can do the splits-I have no idea how or where this came from. I have never been able to do this neither has my husband as far as I am aware. I do have a very active,sporty and Athletic 8 year old that he adores but I don’t think she can do the splits. Due to all the attention it is now his party trick and he does it constantly. His speech is coming on really well and he is learning new words every day,some I noticed today that I hadn’t heard him say before include Scooby-Doo,freezing,raining,monkeys,dancing. He is also becoming quite a good little dancer and really enjoys music. He has recently started giving me a really cheeky grin if I say no to him or tell him off,little rascal.
My 4 year old is very excited about starting ‘Big school’ in a couple weeks and we are off to get her first pair of school shoes next week. I got her another cardigan and a pair of trousers this week,she already has a couple skirts,polo-shirts,pinafore dress,Gingham dresses for warmer weather.I can’t wait to drop her off and take lots of photo’s on her first day at school. It really will be a busy and exciting day as the 3 bigger ones all go back on the same day and my eldest son starts Secondary school. She has become very confident and seems ready now,initially I did have concerns as she seemed so young still and only gave up her afternoon nap a couple months ago. She was only 4 in June and I have worried more about her starting school than I did with the other 2 as they were both nearly 5 by the time they started school.
My mini-me is 8,9 in October,she is very grown up for her age and I often have to remind myself she is only 8. She has a keen interest in fashion and has her own style,she wears what she likes not usually just because her friends have something. She is tall and slim but has more of an athletic build rather than being skinny,she loves sports and last year took part in clubs at school for Tag Rugby,Cross country and Tap dancing. I was never sporty and had awful co-ordination,I am so glad that this doesn’t seem to have been passed down to my children. Sometimes it is like having a teenager in the house,she can be stroppy and moody,on the other hand she can be great company and very kind and caring towards other people.
Last but by no means least is my 11 year old son,he makes me very proud. He has come along leaps and bounds the last couple years. He is a lot more confident than he used to be and I look forward to seeing him progress and develop new interests during his time at Secondary school. He has already developed interests in Chess,Warhammer,Archery and orienteering over the past 2 or 3 years and I hope he tries out new things whilst at Secondary school. He is helpful,has a great sense of humour and is a fantastic big brother. I just hope his feet stop growing soon as I have just bought his school shoes-he is now in a mens size 9-9 and a half. I think he’ll be towering over me before long.
My children make me incredibly proud and I love seeing their personalities develop and watching them find their own interest and things they are good at. They all seem to be artistic and often sit at the table drawing or making things together (Apart from the baby of course,he just watches in awe,waiting for the day when he can join in),which is lovely to see.

Inspirational Quotes

I have to admit that I am a huge fan of Inspirational quotes.They seem to sum up what other’s,including myself feel in such a perfect yet simple manner. One I’d like to mention today is:
Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them.Richard L. Evans
I am a firm believer that it is time and memories,not material possesions that children will remember. I am not a person highly motivated by money,is this a good or bad thing? I’m not quite sure to be honest. I do feel that this has encouraged my children to be less greedy when it comes to material wealth and they are more grateful for the treats and presents they do receive. As with many parents I’d love to be able to give my children everything their hearts desired,however,I know that realistically this will not make them the type of children I want them to be.

Another one of my favourite quotes is:
“Parents hold their children’s hands for a while, their hearts forever.” Unknown author.<a

In my opinion it sums up our purpose as parents-to nurture and guide our children to the best of our ability. I feel lucky and proud to have the opportunity to be a mother to my 5 amazing children,they have taught me so much and I continue to learn more every day I am with them.I have become more patient (slightly) since having children,I am definitely a better cook now than before I had children. I will attempt to achieve any task I am set to the best of my ability. Before having my children I felt lost. I didn’t have a Career,I went from one job to another and to be quite honest from one bad relationship to another. Having my son gave me a priority and focus I hadn’t had before. I hope my children will have more of a focus than I did. I really did feel lost for a long time.
I hope my children will make the most of opportunities they are given in life. People have asked me before who my inspirations are and to be honest my answer these days is “my children” They give me an inner strength that makes me feel strong and proud.I look forward to watching their achievements in life no matter how big or small they may be.
