4little1 – Eezimed Medicine Dummy Review

I was given the opportunity to review a Medicine Dummy recently from the same people that make the baby nose-clear product.The  Eezimed Medicine Dummy can be used with babies that are 3 months or older.As my 6 month old son is currently teething. We are giving paracetamol and ibuprofen based medicines to help him deal with his pain as he needs it.I love the idea of a medicine dummy as I used an early version made by a different company years ago.It was nowhere near the quality of 4little1’s product.Before use it needs to be boiled for 5 minutes,this is only necessary before the first use,for subsequent uses it can be sterilised using sterilising fluid.The main advantage of 4little1’s medicine dummy is that it allows you to control babie’s intake of the medicine by way of a plunger which you slowly press to release the medicine.Luckily,my son loves the taste of the medicines and he currently uses a dummy so when I gave him the medicine dummy he was keen to take it.I found it very easy to fill the dummy and dispense the medicine using the plunger.It has marks for 2.5 and 5ml and can be easily refilled for larger medicine doses if needed.

The Eezimed dummy costs £6.99 and can be bought online from:http://www.4little1.com/products.php
