Feeling rubbish today

I woke up this morning feeling pretty awful and as the day has gone on it has just gotten worse.  I’d already been feeling a bit down due to my poorly knee and now I either have a cold or hayfever.  My symptoms for both are usually the same so I’m going to take a hayfever tablet and hope for the best. In the meantime I am snuggled up on my lovely comfy sofa underneath a duvet.  I’m making the most of hubby being home until Wednesday.  This morning I popped round my friends for a couple hours,when I returned the baby,toddler and hubby were all asleep-bless them.  Not long after I returned home I had a lovely surprise visit from my oldest friend,(Not in age,may I add,by length of time we’ve known each other-I think I was 13 when we met) who I haven’t seen since before I had the bubba.

The kids have been amazing,very well behaved and helpful.  Days like this make me realise how lucky I am to have such good people in my life.  My oldest friend for example-I might not see him as often as I would like due to his long working hours and my busy family life but when we catch up it’s like we always see each other.  Friendships,I have found,change over the years,some people come and go others stay but as with my friend we see each other less often.  I know a lot of people but would only call a few of them my friends. I also find that these days I have friends via the internet that I have never met but have a lot in common with and confide in and chat to often.  I am a people person and like to socialise but I don’t like to let too many people too close.  I am very protective of my family and love being able to spend my time focusing on them.

4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Donna Hunt
    Jul 18, 2011 @ 19:03:42

    I hope you’re feeling better soon! xx


  2. nickimumof5
    Jul 18, 2011 @ 19:07:54

    Thanks,me too. The Bubba is now sneezing so it probably is a cold. x


  3. Caroline Smith
    Jul 18, 2011 @ 19:27:17

    Sorry to hear your not feeling well hun,i hope you feel better soon.At least you have your children to look after and help you 🙂 xx


    • nickimumof5
      Jul 18, 2011 @ 19:44:13

      Thanks,hubby has been great too,just made us all some food.My throats really sore so I just had soup and some bread and butter-was lovely though.I think Summer cold’s(If we can call this Summer) always seem worse as it just feels wrong to feel like this at this time of year.


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